- ćMIRROR MODEćThe mirror glove facilitates controlled flexion and extension of the injured hand by mirroring the healthy hand’s movements. Users can regulate the speed and frequency, aiding recovery. Performing 2-3 daily exercises accelerates rehabilitation for patients and their family members.
- ćSPECIFIC FINGER TRAININGćIndividual air valves on the back of each finger allow targeted training. Adjusting air pressure via the white valve isolates specific fingers, promoting nerve recovery, enhancing finger dexterity, and rebuilding strength. This tailored approach accommodates diverse training needs.
- ćPORTABLE REHABILITATION ROBOTIC GLOVEćCompact and lightweight, the robotic glove is easily portable with its accompanying belt. This convenience enables patients to exercise fingers at home or during travel, ensuring consistent rehabilitation efforts at their convenience.
- ćADJUSTABLE INTENSITY AND SPEEDćThe Stroke Rehabilitation Robotic Glove boasts five levels of intensity and speed. Intelligent imitation of hand movements, including grasping, extension, and flexion, enhances the speed of hand function recovery. This adaptability caters to patients at varying rehabilitation stages.
- ćMULTIFUNCTIONćSuitable for hand and finger dysfunction, the Rehabilitation Robot Gloves aid recovery from conditions like stroke, arthritis, hemiplegia, cerebral palsy, dementia, cerebral hemorrhage, and nerve injuries. Designed for individuals over 6 years old, these gloves serve as a versatile solution for diverse rehabilitation needs.